Celso Antunes


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© 2007 - 2025 by Celso Antunes
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The copyright of the website www.celsoantunes.net lies completely with Celso Antunes. It is herewith expressly permitted to copy, print, and distribute these web pages and their attached documents, subject to the following restrictions:

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Design & programming

Ewa Scherwinsky
DC Mediengestaltung



Marco Borggreve
Thomas Brill


Ruth O'Leary
Wolfgang Weimer
Marco Borggreve
Hans van der Woerd
Désirée Furoni / Osesp

Quote of the month


The concert last Thursday by OSESP, conducted by Celso Antunes, was excellent... Exceptionally dizzying readings of two Mozart symphonies, KV 318 and KV 425: Antunes took the best advantage of historically informed interpretation, commanding 36 musicians wielding modern instruments - with faster tempos than the conventional ones and all playing strictly "senza vibrato". A triumph, simply stunning! The performance of the Piano Concerto Nr. 5 by Villa-Lobos, with the young Fabio Martino as a soloist, a chaotic and delightful mix of Hollywood and Rachmaninov, written in 1954 by the great Brazilian composer, was also absolutely fantastic... João Marcos Coelho, O Estado de São Paulo, Sept 20/2014

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